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Mike Hawkridge

Mike is an owner as well as the guide outfitter and operations manager (staff coordination and infrastructure development) for BCO. He is a lifelong hunter, professional hunter, and outdoorsman, with 20 years of guiding experience. Whether on the hills chasing sheep or in the swamps pursuing bulls, Mike is the guide most clients wish for. Along with his wife, Karen (the friendly voice on the other end of the phone), they own and operate a ranch in the Baker Creek area. Along with cattle, the ranch is also home to the entire herd of horses that is used by the outfit. Although they are typically on the “dead run” getting things done, drop them a quick email, they’ll get back to you as quickly as they can.

Mike HawkridgeMike Hawkridge

Joe Lisk

Joe is an owner and guide for BCO. Joe brings years of knowledge and experience to every hunt. He is a hunter and woodsman to the core and each season he makes hunting dreams a reality. His one liners and camp-fire stories are keep everyone smiling. Clients that are fortunate enough to spend time with Joe learn about life in the BC back country. Joe and wife Ursula, also call the Baker Creek area home, there they own and operate a cattle ranch.

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Travis Houle

Travis started his guiding career the right way…...he attended Big Country Guide Training. From there Travis guided for some of Alberta’s most noted outfitters, eventually returning to BCO. Travis puts 110% effort towards every hunt and his positive attitude keeps things moving in the right direction. Travis is an enthusiastic guide, and he is dedicated to the hunt at hand.

 Travis HouleTravis Houle

Shawn Murray

Shawn has guided in both Alberta and BC, and now calls central BC home. Shawn is a guide, trapper, hunter, and expert bushman. Shawn is a guide’s guide, and has pursued everything from Bighorns to Black bears. We are fortunate to have him apart of the BCO team. Clients have been excited about the results this guide can bring.

Shawn MurrayShawn Murray